Peradon Cue Sale Until 6th January or while stocks last and cues will be removed from list as they sell. In this listing we’ll offer a discounted price for in stock cues only. This is a price for December/ January until the 6th when i return from holidays . All cues sold will be sent the week i return starting from the 6th.
In hand spliced we have the following in three quarter cues
- Newbury 19.61 ounces
- Royal 18.68 ounces
- Pro Cue 18.34 ounces
- Pro Cue 18.48 ounces
- Chester 18.83 ounces
- York 17.81 ounces
- Royal 17.49
- Guildford 18.09
In Machine Spliced cues we have the below cues in stock
- Edwardian 18.37
- Sheffield 18.94
- Clifton 16.83 ounces
- Joe Davis 19.43 ounces
- Sheffield 18.55 ounes
- Clifton 18.73 ounces
- Crown 2pc – 18.37 ounce
- Edwardian 19.08 ounces
- Joe Davis 2pc 18.44 ounces
- Clifton 16.83 ounces
- Joe Davis 2pc 18.41 ounces